
Fruit & Berry Orchard

In 2014, we planted an additional 1,300 blackberry plants. An additional 1,500 were planted in 2015.

The blackberries ripen first in late May and the blueberries begin ripening in early June. Give us a call and we'll let you know what is available. 903-645-3232

We are always glad to provide you with first-class fruits and berries from our farm.

In 2005, we planted 400 blueberry and 800 blackberry plants. We also planted 15 fig trees and 20 plums in addition to those in the orchard near our farm.

In 2006, we planted 2400 more blueberry plants. They are doing well and will ensure plenty of blueberries for everyone in the future.

We completed our blueberry planting in 2007 with approximately 500 Austin blueberry plants. This variety ripens early with the Climax and Premier.


We currently have five varieties of blueberries at our Farm: Austin, Climax, Premier, Britewell, and Tifblue. Austin and Climax ripen first in early June, followed by Premier, then Britewell and Tifblue.

It is important for us to have different varieties that bloom together because rabbiteye blueberries require crosspollination between varieties to produce a full crop. This is why we alternate varieties in our rows.

Blueberries are our personal favorite. We just love the taste of fresh blueberries! We also like that they have very small seeds (so they don't get stuck in your teeth).


We have six varieties of blackberries, Apache, Triple Crown, Natchez, Ouachita and Osage (thornless) and Chickasaw (thorned). The Chickasaw are the first to ripen, around June 1, sometimes earlier. The Apaches ripen a few weeks later. To make up for its thorns the Chickasaw produces a massive berry. Both are delicious either fresh or in cobblers or other cooked dishes. I personally like them fresh, chilled, with a little cream.

Plump, sweet blackberries grow wild across most of North America and are a good source of manganese and tannins. The blackberry is actually an ancient fruit, prescribed by the Ancient Greeks for gout.


Figs are available mid to late July into August. Join the mailing list for updates on availability or call 800-123-4567. Most, if not all, of our figs end up in our jams.

We grow Celeste figs. They are large, delicious figs that ripen starting in mid-June. If you have not eaten fresh figs you should give them a try. Fresh from the tree they are much tastier than those fig "newtons" you can find at the store and far, far more healthy.